What is it?
Nondestructive tester for measuring elastic and damping
properties and the structural integrity of materials
How is it being used?
R&D - measure the elastic properties of materials, monitor
e_ects of variables...
QA/QC - establish pass/fail criteria, monitor processing
variables, replace slow/expensive mechanical tests,
qualify raw materials, testing the integrity of _nished
product against speci_cation, integrity testing of materials
in service, monitoring of materials during process
Where is it being used?
Refractories, ceramics, metals, polymers, composites,
cement/concrete, glass, wood, oil and gas, abrasives, military/defense, automotive, aerospace, alternative
energy (fuel cells, wind turbines...), labs and Universities...
How does it work?
This Buzz uses the Impulse Excitation Technique (IET) or Ping Test as described in ASTM E1876 and C1259 to
determine the elastic properties of materials. In this test, an object is tapped lightly with a special hammer
(impulse tool) and the resulting vibrations - natural or resonant frequencies - are measured. For simple shapes
such as bars and discs of uniform cross-section, the sample is supported in such a way that only mode of
vibration predominates allowing the elastic constants to be easily calculated. For more complex shapes, the
resonant frequencies and/or damping characteristics are often used as a quality indicators without the need
to calculate the elastic properties.