【Author】 LIU You- jin, HUANG Lu- cheng (1.Department of Economics and Management, Xiangtan Polytechnic University, Xiangtan 411201, China; 2.School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China)
【摘要】 传统的 A— U模型,揭示了在特定技术轨道上的技术创新与产业发展的内在关系,是一种短期的产业创新动态过程模型;改进的 A— U模型是从产业演变的全过程来考察技术创新与产业发展的内在关系的,是一种长期的产业创新动态过程模型。改进的 A— U模型对探索如何通过技术创新,实现产业跨越式发展提供了一个更好的分析工具。
【Abstract】 The traditional A— U model is a short- term model for dynamic process of industrial innovation, which has revealed the inherent relationship of technological innovation and industrial developing on a certain technological orbit. The improved A— U model is a long- term model for dynamic process of industrial innovation, which has revealed the inherent relationship of technological innovation and industrial developing through the whole process of industry evolvement. The improved A— U model is a b... 更多