Agilent 81950A 紧凑型可调谐激光模块
联 系 人: 黄文俊(先生)
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邮 编:518000
地 址:深圳市福田区梅林路新世界荔园阁二期1单元904
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主要技术指标 Adjustable-to-any-wavelength grid (ITU-T 100 GHz, 50 GHz, 25 GHz, and arbitrary grids) ,Narrow linewidth less than 100 kHz and offset-grid tuning greater than ±6 GHz ideally suited for coherent mixing applications and new complex modulation formats ,Up to +15 dBm output power, with 6 dB power adjustment range ,Equipped with Panda polarization maintaining fiber
The Agilent Technologies 81950A compact tunable laser source is step-tunable for setting channel frequencies within any grid in the C- or L-band. With high output power up to +15 dBm, narrow linewidth of 100 kHz, and offset grid fine-tuning capability, the 81950A is a universal source for realistic loading of the latest transmission systems. It is available with C-band or L-band wavelength coverage. The 81950A can reach any wavelength point within its specified wavelength range just like all other Agilent tunable lasers. In this mode, code compatibility with existing test setups based on Agilent''s range of full-size and compact tunable lasers is a great asset. In system loading applications, it may be preferable to grid-tune the laser like system transmitters, simply by changing the channel index. The channel grid is adjustable to standard ITU-T grid spacing like 50 GHz, and to arbitrary grids. Likewise, the zero frequency (base channel) of the chosen grid is adjustable. A 12 GHz fine-tuning range allows de-tuning the frequency.现货供应,欢迎来电咨询!
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