N7762A 2 通道可变光衰减器 Agilent N7762A
联 系 人: 黄文俊(先生)
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Q Q: 1059911214@qq.com
邮 编:518000
地 址:深圳市福田区梅林路新世界荔园阁二期1单元904
网 址: http://www.chem17.com/st164774
Measurement capability
Settling time: 20 ms attenuation, 100ms power
0.1 to 1000 dB/s attenuation transition speed (selectable)
+23 dBm input power
≤ 1.2 dB insertion loss
System capability
Two attenuator channels in a one half-width rack unit
Fully compatible with programs developed using the Agilent 8157x and 8156x modular attenuators
Includes powerful and user-friendly GUI software
Two instrument configurations can be stored and recalled
The Agilent N7762A variable optical attenuator offers exceptional performance at a low price.
Extension of N77xx-series
The N7762A attenuator is an extension to Agilent’s high density N77xx-family that establishes a new standard in space-saving fiberoptic instrumentation.
Features and Benefits
Compact instrument combines and integrates multiple functions for setting attenuation and power levels and controlling optical power to reduce CAPEX and floor space.
Fast and precise setting of optical power levels with settling times of 100 ms for improved test throughput.
Active power control to keep output power constant
The multichannel attenuator sets and controls several ports at the same time and saves significant time characterizing multiport and multichannel components and network equipment.
The instrument can be controlled via LAN and USB, as well as GPIB for compatibility with existing equipment.
An easy-to-use and intuitive graphical user interface speeds up the integration process.
Optical transceiver testing
Optical network integration testing
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