Agilent U2941A 参数测试夹具
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Agilent U2941A
Key Specifications
-Closed lid minimizes ESD on sensitive circuits and components
-Supports up to 3 source/measure channels
-Different socket modules to match a wide variety of pin configurations
-Assembly Teflon plate for low-current measurements
-Bundled Parametric Measurement Manager software eases set-up, testing, and data recording
The Agilent U2941A is a parametric test fixture that is designed to complement the usage of U2722A USB source measure unit in the testing of semiconductor components, including SMT and DIP ICs.
The U2941A has 3 input channels and a common ground and comes with 5 types of socket modules for device under test (DUTs) of various pin configurations.
The parametric test fixture also comes bundled with Parametric Measurement Manager software to kick start your set-up, testing and data recording sooner!
Agilent U2700A series USB Modular Instruments has won Design News Golden Mousetrap Award in the 2009 Best Products Category. The Design News Awards Program has recognized engineering innovation and creativity in product design for more than two decades
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