义乌云海塑胶制品厂是专业生产双面胶-泡棉双面胶 垃圾袋 A4纸不干胶 热熔胶-热熔胶枪 吊牌线-胶针-吊牌枪 塑料袋-鞋套 牛皮纸手提袋 透明,米黄封箱胶带 警示胶带-斑马胶带-地板警示胶 彩色胶带
YiWu Yuhai plastic products factory to produce cool liquid cushions,air cushion is angry to rest the head on the producer of the series.
And we will be very happy to halp you design and develop new products and process your supplied raw material into toys you desire We will offer the best service.
The sales network has covered all large & medium cities of the country and the products are also sold far to Korea,Philippine,Japan,the middle East and south America,etc.
The factory sincerely welcomes customers to contact us and hold business talks, as well as present your better suggestions constantly.
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