A support reagent for enhancing the efficiency of viral gene transfer into difficult to transduce mammalian and rodent cells
Efficient, due to 20- to 50-fold enhanced adenovirus transduction
A non-toxic, peptide-based solution
Gives access to nearly all cell types
Adenovirus transduction
Please note that you will be working with samples containing an infectious virus. Follow the recommended NIH guidelines for all materials containing BSL–2 organisms.
Technical Features:
Gives access to cells that express little CAR (Coxsackie Adenovirus Receptor)
ibiBoost? Adenovirus Transduction Enhancer has been specifically developed to improve the uptake of adenovirus vectors (e.g., rAV-LifeAct Adenoviral Vectors ) into cells and cell lines that are normally difficult to transduce. ibiBoost reagent is unique, because it is based on an adenovirus binding peptide. Due to this factor, ibiBoost changes the adenovirus surface in a way that the uptake of the adenovirus is improved for all permissive cell types, and it allows transduction of cell types previously not accessible to adenovirus transduction. Unlike chemical transduction enhancers, ibiBoost has no toxic effects. The use of ibiBoost is especially recommended if high ”Multiplicities of Infection“ (MOI), exceeding 500, have to be applied to a particular cell type.
50 μl
For 50 transductions à 2 × 107 IU

ibiBoost? Adeno Adenovirus Transduction
Enhancer significantly enhanced GFP
expression in rodent NIH-3T3 cells
Enhancing Transduction Efficiency
I: Genetic manipulation of target cells increases the CAR expression on the cell surface.
II: Genetic manipulation of the adenovirus binding domain addresses the non-CAR surface receptors of the target cell.
III: The ibiBoost Adeno Adenovirus Transduction Enhancer bridges the adenovirus surface to the cell membrane, thereby enhancing the gene expression by 20- to 50-fold into cell types that lack the primary adenovirus receptor CAR.