Biorep 是成立于上世纪80年代,座落在美国迈阿密的一家致力于开发医疗和生命科学研究完全解决方案的公司。其产品具有ISO-13485和FDA认证,包括人类因子工程学,用户界面设计,系统解决方案(包括机械,电气,软件),可用行测试,个性化定制和其他医疗器械。目前其产品广泛应用于大学,研究所以及世界500强公司的生产研究中。
The Perfusion Apparatus has been developed to allow automation of the perfusion step of the islet isolation process.
The system is equipped with two peristaltic pumps, two pressure sensors, a heater, a touch-screen, and data acquisition software. The machine accurately regulates flow, pressure, and temperature in real time for two separate perfusion systems that are controlled by a single interface.
In addition, the machine has the ability to store a time-lapse record of every parameter during the procedure.
The Perfusion Apparatus enables the researcher not only to analyze each perfusion, but to refine the procedure into a repeatable and efficient protocol.