- 概 述
It is to install the starting resistance on rolling shaft of motor.using the centrifugal power as driving, control the starting resistance to reduce the starting current, increase torque, equipping the no brush self -controlled motor to winding asynchronous motor. it is composed of shell、starting liquid、moving magnetic boad、spring、connecting pillar、safety valve、exhausting valve etc. the starter has the advantage at small current ,large starting torque,adjustable the change to power and load so as to,protecting the motor. it can be widely used to start the winding asynchronous motor in ball miller、crusheruser 、blower fan、pump、beater、comprssor、crusher、defibrater、oxygenerator etc of metallization,chemical-industry、machinary、petroleum、mining、constrction、rubber、power station etc. it can stead of the collector ring,carbon brush of winding motor.
5、克服了定子控制式电机软起动器的起动转矩与起动电流的平方成正比这一缺陷,在降低电机起动电流的同时,增加电机起动转矩,并能以转矩起动电机,采用无刷运行,去掉了传统、 繁琐、多触点元件组成的起动装置,其起动装置的功率损耗及电机的起动时间比定子控制式电机软起动器减少10倍以上,但起动器的综合价格不及其它软起动器的1/3。
7、采用防锈、防变质、防冻(冰点心-25℃)、防沸(沸点为120 ℃)的四防起动液,提高起动器的使用寿命。
The start is easy to operate and install, which can reduce the expense of repire. it can take the motor to the best situation under adjusting the resistance 、torque and current.
The starting current can be reduced from 7le to 1.6le under the condition of keeping the torque unchanged.it can start the motor with largest torque:
1、It is from resistance starting equiment, which has below new characteristics:removing the harm from ring and carbon brush.it saves repairing expense without traditional complex starting equipment.
2、Saving the installation space and secondary loop cable,reducing the power waste of starting equipment, power wasteless.starting control is completed from starter according to the speed of motor.
3、It avoids the phenomena that some damage to motor and starter from other equipment can not trace the starting process of motor by overload.
4、During the process of running, if it appears locked-rotor, the starter will automatically run for the reduction of motor speed to reach the goal of increasing the torque and reducing current of motor.
5、Conquering the default that square of starting current is proportional to torque on stator controlled motor soft-starter with starting current. increasing the motor torque when reducing the current. adopting brushless running, it is 10 times to save the power and starting times.however, the price is not reached 1/3 than other soft-starter.
6、The starting resistance is directly installed the rotoring shaft of motor, using the centrifugal power as driving, control the starting resistance to reduce the starting current, increase torque、 equipping the no brush self -controlled motor to winding asynchronous motor.
7、In order to prolong the using life, adopting the starting liquid to resisting rust、deteroprate、 freeze、boiling(boiling point is120℃).
8、To guarantee running safety, it needs to set the safey exhausting valve, which will be opened automatically when reaching the rated speed.
电源电压:三相50Hz 380V-10KV
Power Voltage: three phase 50Hz 380V-10KV
Adapting Motor: thress phase winding asynchronous motor
Frequency of Starting: less than 10times per hour
Height of Elevation: less than 2000m
Tempreture of environment: the Lowest: -25℃, the Highest: +40℃
the place of no combustible、 explosive、caustic gas
a.轻载: 0.6Me b.中载: 1Me c.重载:1.5Me
3、 电机实现恒转矩、恒电流起动,起动电流、起动转矩可根据用户要求方便、连续地无级调整。
1、Rated Voltage: 380V、6kV、10kVAdapting Motor Power: 130-2000KW
2、Starting Characteristic:
a.Light- load: 0.6Me b.Mid-load: 1Me c.Heavy-load: 1.5Me
3、The constant torque, current start, starting current、starting torquecan be adjusted by customers request.
4、All kinds of harm will be removed from rings and carbon brush when using brushless soft-starter, and saving the controlled cupboard and secondary loop cable. the cost of equipment of winding motor will be reduced 70%、90% of repairing. the reliability of motor and its controlled equipment will be increased above 1 times.
4、在轴上涂少许润滑脂或机油,将起动器键槽对准轴上的键 位置,然后用铜棒将起动器轻轻地敲击到装配位置,并用钢丝挡圈卡住,防止起动器轴向串动。
1、Removing all parts of cover、rings、carbon brush、brush box、brush box shell and short circuit ring equipment(some motor have no short circuit ring equipment).
2、In order to avoid the mistake when remove rings, it should to bond two conductor trace line of same phase.
3、To measure the hole diameter、width and heightof key by vernier caliper, if there is any discrepancy, pls do not hesitate to contact us.
4、Greasing a little of lubricating, machine oil on the shaft, install the keyseat of starter to the keyseatof shaft. then gently to knock on the starter to installation location. to avoid the shaft shake of starter it should be locked by steel wire and distance ring.
5、In order to prevent the harm of inter parts or liquid leakage. it can not knock heavily, after finishing the installation, to connect the out- line of stator to corresponding location of starter connector bing, (for lines motor, should to connect 2 same phase conductor line with 2 binding) post of same colour, the detailed connection is as below.
1、Beside the resistance, other component of starter will not hot when starting, in order to avoid harming the component, pls do not open the cover, for its desing is maintenance free.
2、When the liquid is below than the requetment, it should to complement the liquid to the stated surface.
3、The safty exguasting valve is to gurantee the motor will not spray liquid during starting. it will open when the speed reach the rated. to keep the pressure f starter same as atmospheric pressure, so the custumer will not adjust by themselves.
The collector rings size of motor of JR、JZR、YR、YZR have different design and parameter, to guarantee the installation successfully once time, pls proving the data 、manufacture and where to use is important.