IG1.6S、IG2.5S、IG4S IC卡膜式燃气表(CPU卡)
IG1.6S、IG2.5S、IG4S IC card diaphragm gas meter(CPU Card)
一、产品照片(Pictures of Product)
二、概述(General description)
IGS Series(CPU Card) is the kind of Prepayment intelligent diaphragm gas meter, which adopts intelligent CPU Card with high security as information carrier. CPU Card built-in one microprocessor could achieve the jobs of data encryption and security authentication. This series possesses advantages such as satiability, reliability, safety, good-looking shape and easy to use. It is an best product for gas companies to achieve Prepayment management and improve efficiency.
The product conforms to the following standards:
A、 CJ/T112-2008 《IC卡膜式燃气表》
CJ/T112-2008 Integrated circuit card diaphragm gas meter
B、 GB/T6968-1997 《膜式煤气表》
GB/T6968-1997 Diaphragm gas meter
三、产品功能(Product Functions)
1. 计量功能:准确计量用气量;
v Measurement: Measuring the volume of gas consumption accurately.
2. 预付费用气功能:实现先交费后用气功能,解决燃气公司收费和入户抄表难的问题;
v Prepayment: Paying for the charge in advance helps to solve the problems of charging and collection on site.
3. 提示功能:根据剩余气量及电池电量,当低于设定值时,及时提示用户购气和更换电池;
v Prompts:
Reminding users when volume of remaining gas is below the throttle value;
Reminding users when battery is low power;
4. 报警功能:当传感器被干扰或阀门发生故障时,燃气表会以液晶显示及声音报警的方式进行提示;
v Alarm: Due to outside interference with sensors or malfunction of valves, the LCD will display the information and buzzer will release audible alarm.
5. 信息上传功能:燃气表的所有气量信息、气表状态及故障信息,都可以通过CPU卡片上传到购气软件系统中,使抄表员无需上门即可了解用户家燃气表信息;
v Uploading information: CPU Card uploads the information, such as gas volume, state and malfunction of gas meter, to purchase system. This enables operators to get relative information of customers’ without on-site reading meter;
6. 防囤气功能:软件系统可设定购气限额,防止用户囤气,从而减少燃气公司困气价波动而带来的损失;
v Preventing coemption: in software system, the throttle value of purchasing gas volume prevents customers from hoarding gas,with result of reducing the losses of gas Company caused by the gas price fluctuations.
7. 防磁干扰功能:当检测到外界磁场干扰时,燃气表会自动关闭阀门,切断供气;
v Electromagnetic interface resistance: when external Electromagnetic interface occurs, gas meter will shut down valves automatically in order to shut off gas supply ;
8. 透支功能:软件系统可自由设定是否允许透支用气;
v Overdrawing: purchase system could set whether customers could overdraw gas or not.
四、产品特点Product features
v Ultra-low power dissipation: four AA alkaline batteries could support gas meter more than one year ;
v Multiple-step voltage detection: Monitoring power of battery in real time and indicating low power timely in order to shut off gas supply
v One to one: each gas meter has one single corresponding card, which prevents from abuse;
v Safety and reliability: gas meter has high-qualified corrosion resistance; furthermore, the gas meter and its internal valves are certified by Chinese authorities
v Easy to use: gas meter could come into use after some simple settings and user interface is friendly. The procedures of opening one account and purchasing gas are very easy.
6、技术先进:采用智能CPU卡作为数据传输的载体,卡的存储容量高,扩展灵活, 系统安全性高;
v Advanced technology: Adopts intelligent CPU Card as information carrier, which has a large memory and is easy to extend. Therefore, the system possesses high security.
7、专利技术:设计独特的电池盒盖开启方式,开启方便, 关闭后能保证电池的密封。
v Patented technology one: the unique design of the battery box makes it easy for customers to uncover the box; on the other hand, the design will keep the box hermetical when the box is closed;
六、可选配置(Optional configuration)
七、外形及安装尺寸(outline and installation dimension)