玻璃钢天线罩 玻璃钢天线罩具有耐候性好、绝缘、重量轻、强度高、尺寸稳定、透波性好和生产效率高等优点。广泛应用于无线通信设施天线和移动通信基站的保护外壳。
Fiberglass radomes Fiberglass radomes has weather resistance, insulation, light weight, high strength, dimensional stability, transparency and good waves and production efficiency. They have been widely used in wireless communications facilities and mobile station base.
规格表 Specifications: 玻璃钢天线罩 FRP Radomes 规格 Sizes(mm) 261×128×3 262×118×2.8 152×49×3 备注:可根据客户的具体要求定制任意尺寸。 Remarks:Can be customized according to specific customer requirements