公交刷卡机价格”公交车载收费机”公交收费机系统概述: 城市公交的“无人售票”系统经过多年的运作,在管理上已日趋完善,但新的课题又呈现在我们的面前。“零钞不够”,这是实行无人售票以来乘客与公交公司之间的矛盾。
“无人售票”对车辆的承运速度和业务管理无疑是起很大的促进作用,但是由于“不设找赎”,对身上没有足够零钞的乘客来讲,肯定是增加了经济负担,这正是推行 “无人售票”之后,乘客意见之处。
公交刷卡机价格”公交车载收费机”公交收费机主要参数外型尺寸:195X151X48mm 读写时间:≤0.3秒显示方式: LED显示外壳材料:工程塑料读卡距离:0~50mm 工作频率:13.56M 工作电压: DC12V,24V 功率损耗:静态:≤10 W 动态:≤15 W 工作温度:-10℃~60℃ 储存温度:-20℃~70℃ 通讯接口: RS232 灯光提示: 红、绿发光二极管声响提示:蜂鸣器 $ 语音工作模式:单机方式数据容量:脱机时收费机储存24570条明细数据公交车刷卡机\公交车打卡机\城市公交车刷卡机的适用范围: ★城市公共交通巴士收费 ★单位接送巴士收费 ★校园接送巴士收费 ★花园小区巴士收费…… 公交车刷卡机\公交车打卡机\城市公交车刷卡机的系统概述: 城市公交的“无人售票”系统经过多年的运作,在管理上已日趋完善,但新的课题又呈现在我们的面前。“零钞不够”,这是实行无人售票以来乘客与公交公司之间的矛盾。“无人售票”对车辆的承运速度和业务管理无疑是起很大的促进作用,但是由于“不设找赎”,对身上没有足够零钞的乘客来讲,肯定是增加了经济负担,这正是推行 “无人售票”之后,乘客意见之处。“无人售票”需要完善,另外随着经济环境的变化,取消月票,也是势在必行。非接触式IC卡技术的推出为实现城市公交自动收费提供了现代技术的支持。公交车刷卡机\公交车打卡机\城市公交车刷卡机车载收费机主要参数外型尺寸:195X151X48mm 读写时间:≤0.3秒显示方式: LED显示外壳材料:工程塑料读卡距离:0~50mm 工作频率:13.56M 工作电压: DC12V,24V 功率损耗:静态:≤10 W 动态:≤15 W 工作温度:-10℃~60℃ 储存温度:-20℃~70℃ 通讯接口: RS232 灯光提示: 红、绿发光二极管声响提示:蜂鸣器 $ 语音工作模式:单机方式数据容量:脱机时收费机储存24570条明细数据
英文介绍:Section Five: Product Introduction
Aiming at catering to requirements from customers, the solution for IC card public transport charge system (Including single-side display without voice IC card public transport system, single-side display with voice IC card public transport system, double-side display without voice IC card public transport system, double-side display with voice IC card public transport system, CDMA wireless transmission IC card public transport system, IC card portable partition charge system, GPRS wireless transmission IC card portable partition charge system, IC card portable Taxi metered charge system) is as below:
The system overall structure consists of IC card management center (server), card selling and recharging station, data reclaiming station and IC card portable charge system and various IC card equipped with each bus in service.
IC card management center (server): As shown in the figure above, it is the highest administration organ responsible for constituting the system standards, processing, counting and analyzing transaction data of bus in service, selling card of recharging station and recharging data collection, and system data liquidation.
Card selling and recharging station: Selling card to passengers, card recharging, and inquiry.
IC card portable charge system: Car charge terminal installed on taxi independently completes consumption of passenger card.
Data collection: Based on requirements from customers, it can be classified into manual data collection (featuring flexible, safe and reliable; directly connecting the charge system with the computer for data collection) and wireless transmission (GPRS wireless transmission), and it transmits the transaction data of IC card portable charge system to IC card management center.
Ⅱ. IC Card Public Transport Charge system
Scope of application
Urban bus charge system, urban taxi charge system, corporate bus, school bus charge system, and community bus charge system…