3M 732双导线手环插座
3M Dual Conductor Remote Input Jack, 732
The 3M Remote Input Jack 732 May Be Purchased As A Replacement Part For The 3M? Workstation Monitor 724. It Provides Two Phone Jacks - One For The Primary Worker And One For Use By Visitors To The Work Area.
3M Id : 98-0798-3665-0
GTIN(UPC/EAN) : 0 00 51138 55864 2
The 3M 724 Workstation Monitor continuously monitors the resistance of the operator and worksurface ground connections. The monitor uses a reliable resistance method that actually includes the operator's skin resistance to determine if the system is operating properly. If the operator's resistance exceeds pre-set levels of 10 megohms or 35 megohms, or the wiring connections exceed 3.7 megohms, audible and visible alarms are triggered. A switch allows the user to select either a 9 V or 16 V test voltage, and 10 megohms or 35 mehoms resistance setting.
华莱进出口(深圳)有限公司(3M ABRASIVE)华莱进出口(深圳)有限公司成立于1997年,主要经营3M 工业研磨产品,汽车售后产品,劳动保护及职业健康产品,是德国勇士水砂纸中国总代理, 德国羚羊水砂纸海绵砂纸中国总代理,德国鹅仔牌钢纸磨片中国总代理. 3M砂纸 ,3M抛光轮,3M工业百洁布 ,3M飞翼轮,3M 砂带 ,3M 口罩,3M腊水,3M 羊毛球,3M 海绵球,3M 抛光机,3M打磨机,3M 汽车保险杠修复,3M 玻璃刮痕修复,3M 塑胶漆面凸点打磨抛光. 华莱进出口(深圳)有限公司不仅仅提供品种繁多的产品响应客户需要,而且提供客户最需要的技术辅导和流程改善案.华莱进出口深圳,创意全为你!
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