3M 6451J钻石砂带
3M Flexible Diamond Belts 6451J - Type GDiamond mineral metal-bonded to a strong, low stretch (Type G) backing in an open-dot pattern. Designed for roll grinding and other wet grinding and finishing applications where the abrasive is supported by a contact wheel, including file belt hand tools.Full Description For use on thermal sprays, carbides, composites, chilled iron, non-ferrous metals, glass and other hard-to-grind materials. Available in micron grades M300, M250, M125, M74, M50, M40, M20, M10, and M6; Weldlok splice for close-caliper splice (tolerance of 0.000-0.002"). CloseBenefits and Features: Minimal Stretch - less than Type C - recommended for contact wheel applications, including file belt hand toolsAvailable in micron grades M300, M250, M125, M74, M50, M40, M20, M10, and M6 Weldlok splice for close-caliper splice (tolerance of 0.000-0.002")
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主营:3M工业研磨/安全防护;3M产品经销商;3M 检测仪;3M 汽车保养产品;3M 砂纸 砂带;3M 百洁布及尼龙轮;3M 防毒面具及配套;3M 焊接防护系
联 系 人: 刘英
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