Each channel can operate independent or synchronized
Electronically independent channels or multiple working electrodes with 1 CE and 1 RE
From 1 nA up to 400 mA (standard)
From 100 fA up to 400 mA (low-current option)
From 1 nA up to 80A
Impedance option (VMP3/Z-01) available
measurements from 10 μHz to 500 kHz
Current auto-ranging
Rotating electrode control
Input impedance of 1012 Ohms - 20 pF with low current option: 1014 Ohms - 1pF maximum
Simultaneous measurement of potential and current
20 Volts Control Voltage Range (adjustable from 20V to +20V)
200 μSec software time base
Ethernet communication
2 auxiliary inputs per channel
2, 3, 4, and 5 terminal measurements
Data channel buffers in the VMP3 retain data even if the PC is disconnected
LabView VIs are available
南京欧熙科贸有限公司是一家专业经营各类实验科研仪器设备的综合性技术企业。公司本身以高校及企事业科研院所的技术力量为依托,具备了扎实的专业基础和丰富的实践经验。公司自成立以来与众多国内外知名仪器制造商长期保持良好的合作关系,作为一家专注于为客户提供高效﹑简捷﹑快速有效解决方案的科研产品供应商,以不懈的努力、真诚的服务和更加优惠的价格来回报广大客户一直是我公司不变的承诺。公司领导年富力强,锐意进取,品质优良,带领了一支朝气蓬勃、团结勤奋的销售和服务队伍。我们将一如既往秉承“质量、用户、信誉”的宗旨,为各行业的实验室建设改进、人员培训、设备选型、调试安装、维护维修并代办检定等提供全方位多层次的优质服务。 与时俱进,共创美好未来。真诚欢迎各界朋友、新老客户来公司参观、指导、洽谈业务,对我们的工作给予指正与帮助。
联 系 人:张海霞
电 话:+86-25-52613799,52613794转801
传 真:+86-25-52613764转809