艺衡金属制品有限公司创立于2002年,采用全硅溶胶脱蜡精密铸造工艺生产出口不锈钢、碳钢和低合金钢精密铸件及其制品,具有年产800吨铸件的生产能力。公司成立于东莞市南城区,靠近G107国道和广深高速东莞城区石鼓出口,北通广州,南抵深圳香港,交通十分方便。 艺衡公司以高起点、高质量和高效率为办厂目标,拥有一批航空装备部专家及科研队伍,配备了全硅溶胶脱蜡精密铸造专业化成套设备以及材质光谱分析仪、拉力试验机、硬度计、金相显微镜等检测试验设备.公司采用欧美先进国家的公差和材质标准,按照ISO9001:2000标准建立了质量管理体系并通过德国TÜV认证,产品材质获得测试报告,符合欧盟ROHS指令2005/95/EC及其补充指2005/618/EC的要求。推行计算机辅助设计,内部管理和信息交换实现了计算机网络化。艺衡公司始终坚持以顾客为关注焦点,奉行“科学管理,铸造精品、开拓创新、诚信顾客”的质量方针,不断拓展精铸件的应用领域。在生产建筑五金、厨具配件、灯具配件、阀门管件、各种机器零件等方面积累了丰富经验。铸件出口到美国、德国、日本、法国、挪威,等众多国家和地区。 公司承接来图来样加工,可根据客户要求提供铸件和铸后加工服务。热忱欢迎国内外客商光临惠顾。 Yihong Metal Product Co. Ltd., Founded in 2002, specializes in Manufacturing and exporting investment castings of stainless steel, carbonsteel and alloy steel, with the annual output capacity above 800 tons. The company is located at Nancheng District of Dongguan city, adjacentto G107 State Road and Shigu Exit of Guang-shen Expressway, which connects Guangzhou in the north and Hong Kong in the south.YIHONG sticks to the development policy of high-technology, high-quality and high-efficiency, has cultivated a professional team for management and engineering. The company has a full range of equipment for silica sol lost wax casting process, together with the inspection and testingequipments including material spectrometer, tensile tester, hardometer and microscope etc. The company adopts the material standards approval by European countries and the USA, implementing ISO 9001:2000 quality management system with TÜV certificate. CAD and intranet is widely used inside the company. YIHONG adheres to the principle of Customer Focus, advocating quality policy of Scientific Management, Fine casting, Continual Innovation and Faithfulness to Customers. Devoting ourselves to expanding the application fields of investment castings, we have accumulatated rich experience in producing building hardware, kitchenware, lighting accessories, valve & pipe fittings and machinery components.