1. General DescriptionThe AM8EB151A is a family of low-cost, high speed, high noise immunity and EPROM-embedded 8-bit CMOSmicro-controllers. It employs a RISC architecture with only 55 instructions. All instructions are single cycle exceptfor program branches that take two cycles. The AM8EB151A provides powerful and easy useful instruction setsthat can directly or indirectly address its register files and data memory. 1.1 Featuresz Wide operating voltage range:- Four oscillator periods: 2.0 ~ 5.5V at 32kHz, 2.2 ~ 5.5V at DC-8MHz, 2.6 ~ 5.5V at DC-20MHz.- Two oscillator periods: 2.0 ~ 5.5V at 32kHz, 2.2 ~ 5.5V at DC-8MHz, 10MHz-16MHZ, 20MHZ not used.z Wide operating frequency range: 32kHz ~ 20MHz.z Wide operating temperature range: 0oC ~ 70oC.z ROM: 1K x 14 bits.z RAM: 48 x 8 bits.z Selectable oscillator options:- IRC: Internal Resistor and Capacitor Oscillator.- EXT-R: External Resistor and internal Capacitor Oscillator.- ERC: External Resistor and Capacitor Oscillator.- LF-XTAL: Low Frequency Crystal Oscillator.- XTAL: Crystal / Resonator Oscillator.- HF-XTAL: High Frequency Crystal / Resonator Oscillator.z 6-level deep hardware stack.z Total 55 single word instructions.