登封市恒华高温元件有限公司,位于天下闻名的古刹少林寺之东南10公里处,是专业生产高温电热材料的高新技术企业。这里环境优美,景色奇丽,交通便利。我公司生产设备精良,工艺技术先进,检验设备齐全,并且拥有一批高水准的专业工程技术人员。主要开发研制电热材料产品有硅碳棒、硅钼棒、钨钼材料及制品等系列产品。其中硅碳棒分为:等直棒、粗端部棒、枪棒、U型棒、五节棒、异型棒等几大品种上千种规格。从创业开始,我们始终坚持以质量求生存,以信誉求发展,以尽善尽美的服务和灵活的经营方式为宗旨服务于广大的中外客商。得到了一致好评,为公司的长远发展创造了条件。在我国加入WTO以后,我们紧跟时代步伐,不断改良产品,使其满足不同客户的需求,并不断开发研制新的产品,发展公司规模及生产线,经过我们不懈努力,公司产品已远销欧美、新加坡、台湾等三十多个国家和地区。公司理念:诚信为本,科技发展,精益求精,追求卓越。我公司重合同,守信用,**托运,实行三包;并为客户提供周到的技术服务,欢迎您选用我们的产品。 Company Introduction Located at the 10km southeast of the world-known ancient temple-Shaolin Temple,Dengfeng henghua Thermo-electric Material Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprise ofprofessional production of high-temperature thermoelectric materials, it enjoys abeautiful environment, wonderful scenery and convenient transportation.With fine production equipment, advanced production process and complete testing devices as wellas a group of high-evel engineers and specialists, our company researches and develops mainly the thermoelectric material products:series products such as siliconit,siliconmolybdenum rod, tungsten andmolybdenum materials and theirproducts,of which,the siliconit hasseveralvarietieswithnearly1000specificationssuchasequaldiameter rod, thick end rod, spear rod, U-type rod, 3-joint rod, and allotype rod. We have all them adhered to the tenet of survival by quality,development by reputation, and perfect service and flexible operating method to serve numerous businessmen both from home and abroad.Company idea: take people as base, be practical and realistic, keep improving,and pursue excellence Our company values the contract, and observes credit, consigns on commission and carries out the system of replacement and refund of substandard products; and offers comsiderate technical services to customers, welcome to use our products.