广州市泰胜机电设备有限公司系集工程项目、系统集成、科研开发、营销服务、技术咨询为一体的多元化专业公司,与国内外多家公司,如美国Honeywell、美国Danaher(Setra, Gems, West, Hengstler…)、德国Siemens、日本Saginormia、美国3M、美国GE、丹麦Danfoss、中国Midea等保持着良好的合作关系,共同致力服务于中国的工业自控机电行业。公司技术力量雄厚,拥有众多技术全面、专业性强且经验丰富的技术工程人员,不断引进吸收国内外先进技术及产品,产品有过程调节仪表、气动液压元件、各类传感器、控制开关、变送器、阀门、小家电等。泰胜公司实行从设计、系统集成、设备安装调试、技术培训一条龙服务,深受广大客户好评。产品广泛应用于气象应用、交通运输系统、工程机械、建筑机械、汽车、医疗、电力、化工、冶金、锅炉、制冷、食品饮料加工业等行业。<br><br>为客户提供“质的产品,良的服务”是泰胜的一贯宗旨,热忱欢迎国内外客商莅临指导,洽谈业务,携手共进,共创辉煌!<br><br>Guangzhou Ti-Sen Electromechanical Device Co., Ltd is a company, which involves in engineer project, system integration, research, sales and technique counsel. It has tight close cooperation with those well-known multinational companies for Chinese Automation Industry, such as America based Honeywell, America based Danaher Sensors & Controls Group (Setra, Gems, West, Hengstler…), Germany based Siemens, Japan based Saginormia, America based 3M, America based GE, Denmark based Danfoss and China based Midea. Ti-Sen Company owns a team of qualified specialists and professionals, who has years of experience. We also introduce high technique and new products from abroad. The product range includes process instrument, pneumatic & hydraulic units, kinds of sensor, switch, transmitter, valve, and so on. We can serve the whole set service, including design, system integration, installation & calibration and technique training. The main application is Meteorology, transportation, engineer machinery, construction machinery, automobile, medical, power, chemistry, metallurgy, boiler and refrigeration, food and beverage…<br> ’’High Quality, Excellent Service and Innovative Technology’’ is Ti-Sen’s strategy.