● 采用抗氧化性能优异的加氢精制高粘度指数基础油和进口复合剂,复合陶瓷合金润滑因子调制而成。
● 超凡的双重保护功能 延长发动机使用寿命,保护润滑油的性能,可为采用废气再循环装置(EGR)等技术的环保柴油发动机提供有效保护,满足符合欧Ⅲ排放要求柴油发动机的润滑; The extraordinary double protection to extend engine life, protecting the oil performance; Can be used for the exhaust gas recirculation device (EGR) technology,and other top environmentally-friendly diesel engines to provide effective protection to meet the requirements in line with the European Ⅲ emission diesel engine lubrication;
● 超凡的节能效果 显著提高动力,增强马力,节约燃油5%以上; The extraordinary energy-saving effect, significantly raising the driving force to enhance horsepower, average fuel savings over 5%;
● 超凡的环保功能 减少汽车尾气中有害气体排放25%以上; The outstanding features of environmental protection, with an average reduction of harmful vehicle exhaust gas emissions more than 25%;
● 超凡的修复功能 显著降低发动机工作噪音,减少震动,修复磨损,减少维修次数,有效保护密封材料,防止泄露; The outstanding repair features in a significant reduction in engine noise, vibration , wear and tear, and the number of maintenance, effective protection of the sealed materials to prevent leakage;
● 超凡的清净分散性、低蒸发损失、低温启动性、粘温性能及氧化安定性,有效控制发动机油泥和活塞环沉积物,改善高温条件下因油品的蒸发对燃料经济性能、油耗、尾气排放及发动机磨损的影响。 The extraordinary spread of clean, low evaporation loss, low-temperature start, viscosity -temperature oxidation stability and performance, and effective control of engine sludge and sediment piston ring to improve the high temperature of the oil due to evaporation of the fuel economy performance, fuel consumption and exhaust emissions and engine wear.
● GB 11122-2006(CI-4)
● API CI-4
● 适用于电子控制式,并装有废气再生装置的高速中符合四冲程自然吸气或者涡轮增压柴油机,也适用于各种大型超负荷集装箱运输车辆以及在各种苛刻工矿下作业的非公路车辆和设备。
项 目 |
金瓷霸 |
SAE粘度等级 |
15W-40 |
20W-50 |
运动粘度(100℃),mm2/s |
15.8 |
19.6 |
闪点(开口),℃ |
225 |
238 |
倾点,℃ |
-29 |
-24 |
水分(体积分数)% |
无 |
无 |
● 4L塑料桶
● 16KG塑桶
● 200L钢桶 |