(欧美克)廣東(南海)龍綺精工機械設備製造廠創辦於1995年,位於全國的鞋業,鞋機生産基地,集開發、生産、銷售爲一體的專業制鞋設備企業。是廣東省佛山市南海区鞋業协會副會长單位, 廣東(南海)機械裝備協會會員單位. 廣東(東莞)鞋機商会副会長單位,慧聪制鞋皮革网名誉顾问单位,2009年度中国十佳鞋机企业。 公司團體不斷開拓創新,勇於進取,始終堅持“用戶至上、質量”這一方針,通過並嚴格的質量管理,加強內部管理,完善售後服務。企業擁有各種先進的精加工設備,精湛的加工工藝和完善的檢測手段;不斷吸收國際高精尖技術,招納高級技術和管理人才,使之企業得到全面進步。 本公司是目前國內一家專業生産:大底成套設備,中底組合成套設備.制鞋生产成套設備等20多種機型,多項自主創新産品獲得國家專利,並不斷研發新型實用,即省勞動力和産品公司目前已開設“東莞、廣州、重慶、成都、瀋陽、上海、惠東省市等以及印度,馬來西亞,泰國,越南,巴基斯坦。孟加拉,土耳其等國外代理及售後服務。(欧美克). (易利达)産品依靠優異的口質量,卓越的性能,最周到、快速的售後服務,深受用戶的好評。 公司全體人員滿情信心,銳意創新,團結一致地向更高目標奮鬥,真誠地願與你攜手共創輝煌的明天! LongYiprecise Shoemaking Machinery Factory,founded in 1995,lies in the biggest shoe making and shoe equipment production base . As a member of Nanhai Shoe Industry Chamber of Commerce and Guangdong (Dongguan) Shoemaking Machinery Council,the Factory is known for its specialization on shod equipment development,production and distribution. Adheringtotheguideline of “Quality First,Customer Supremacy”,the factory always keeps pursuing innovation and forging ahead to achieve strict quanlity control,perfectafter-sales seervice and factoryadministration.We have advanced refined processing equipment,processing technique,and perfect test method.To make significant progress and development,we have recruited strong technical and admimistrative force. Our factory is a professional shoemaking achinery enterprise which specialized in manufacturing genuine leather outsole sets equipment, rubber combined outsole sets equipment,insole combined sets equipment,shoes material equipment, etc over twenties kinds of machines,we have obtained national patents for our many self-innovated new items,developed new and practical,save work force and economy energy products,our products are famous for “leader of insoles and outsoles equipments”,now we have set up after service stations in Dongguan, Guangzhou, Chongqing,Chengdu, Shenyang,Shanghai, Huidong, etc provinces and cities and abroad agents in lndia, Malaysia ,Thailand,Vietnam, Pakistan,