玛泰橡塑是一家专业生产门窗密封系统产品的企业,密封产品含有:三元乙丙(EPDM)橡胶密封条、木门密封条、铝合金门窗密封条、不锈钢门边密封条、,门底密封器、移门配件、衣柜防撞条,公司产品广泛应用于:铝门、木门、不锈钢门、生态门、衣柜等,起到防尘、挡风、隔音、隔温、防撞、防水、防虫等,真正做到柔软、有弹性、不变硬、抗老化、不与油漆发生反应,而且还性价比高!MaiTai rubber is a professional production of Windows are sealed system product enterprise, sealing products contain: EPDM rubber seal (EPDM), wood sealing strip, aluminum alloy doors and Windows sealed bar, stainless steel door seal, door, sealing, move the door fittings, chest impact-proof, the products are widely used in: aluminum door, wood, steel doors, ecological door, chest, dust, wind, sound insulation, temperature, impact-proof, waterproof, etc, soft, elastic, constant hard, anti-aging, and paint, and cost-effective!企业理念:以质量求生存 以稳定求发展主营产品: 木门专用密封胶条 铝门幕墙密封胶条 塑钢门窗密封胶条 PVC透明密封胶条 金属门密封胶条 门底密封器 热塑性弹性体密封胶条 三元乙丙(EPDM)自粘发泡条