Zhongshan jiahong plate-making Co., LTD<br>Company Profile<br>Zhongshan Jiahong Plate Making Co.,Ltd was founded in 2003, the facotry takes space of more than 3000 square meters, there are alumina frame workshop,mesh stretching center,plate making center, designing center, color mixing and sample making center ,screenprinting supplies store. We can provide the customer with one-station services on screeprinting. .<br> Professional mesh stretching on PCB, MEMBRANE SWITCHES,glasses on home appliances,IMD,ITO and other high-technology industry screens.HIGH TENSION,HIGH REQUIREMENT,HIGHT STANDARD on all kinds of screen frame production and plate making.<br><br>Now our company has several imported large size mesh stretching machine and exposure machine, the max. size of the mesh stretching machine is 3m X 6m,as well as several more medium-size stretchers; The max. size of the exposure machine is 2.5m X 3.5m, so that we can process whatever size of the frames. <br><br>We can also manufacture the alumina frames, for all sizes and all industries! With our professional services,let’s work together for a properous future!<br><br> high precision exposure machine<br> Max. size:<br> electric stretching machine<br>Max. size<br>contact person:Mr ma <br>contact NO:15338272004/18988575242<br>Address: 49, Nanhexi Road,Nantou,Zhongshan<br> Tel.: 0760- 23121921 22211247<br> Fax: 0760-22211403<br><br> 中山市嘉鸿制版有限公司<br> (专业生产线路板网板)<br><br>我司拥有生产车间三千几方,设有丝网铝框车间、拉网中心、制版中心、设计中心等多个部门,为客户提供一条龙服务。<br>专业制造线路板网板、薄膜开关网版、玻璃网版,电动拉网机、生产丝印铝框、代理进口丝印油墨、网纱 制版材料及各种配套耗材。生产各种丝印铝框、多台超大型电动拉网机和晒版机!超大型电动拉网机规格可达3 m× 6 m。,另有多台中型拉网机,日产量达1000多个,把订单传给我们,一切尽在您的掌握之中。<br>晒板机尺寸可达:2.5 m×3.5 m,不管是哪种规格网版,都可以轻松一一解决,包您高枕无忧,坐享其成!还有自产丝印铝框,各种规格、各种丝印专业铝框都不在话下,一条龙专业服务,让你我共创美好的明天!<br>顺祝:商祺! <br>联系人:马先生:15338272004<br>电话:0760——22211247 传真:0760-22211403 <br>地