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USAF 1951 Resolution Test Chart|T-20

价        格:面议   
产品型号: T-20-P-RM/T-20-M-P-RM
有 效 期: 长期有效
所 在 地: 上海市浦东新区
配送信息: 平邮(20.00元) ,快递(20.00元)

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Description: This test target meets requirements as specified in MIL-STD-150A
for resolving power tests. The target consists of a series of Elements having two
sets of lines at right angles. Each set of lines consists of three lines separated by
spaces equal to the line width. Each bar has a length to width ratio of 5:1. (Line
width is equal to one half of line pitch, which is the inverse of line frequency.)
Elements are arranged in groups of six each and Groups are arranged in pairs.
Even numbered Groups occupy the left side and bottom right corner and contain a
square feature having and edge length equal to the line length of Element 2 in that
group. Odd numbered Groups occupy the top right corner and side. Groups and Elements
are labeled and differentiated by numbering adjacent to their features.
Frequencies in cycles/mm (c/mm) increase between each Element by the sixth root
of two (approximately 12.25% per step). The general formula for the line
frequency of any target Element can be expressed as 2Group+(Element-1)/6.
Note: Applied Image offers two improved versions of this test target as T-21 and
T-22. These are labeled directly in c/mm to obsolete the frequency look-up chart
as well as other indicator and layout improvements.

Substrate Size, Type, Image Forming Material, Polarity and Frequency Range:
Part Number   Substrate Size (mm)       Substrate Type    Image Forming   Material Polarity    Frequencies (c/mm)

T-20-N-CG 102 x 102            Soda-lime glass                Chrome       Negative  0.25 to 228
T-20-P-CG 102 x 102            Soda-lime glass    Chrome       Positive              0.25 to 228
T-20-N-OP 102 x 102           White opal glass    Chrome       Negative  0.25 228
T-20-P-OP 102 x 102           White opal glass    Chrome       Positive  0.25 228
T-20-2-N-CG 102 x 102            Soda-lime glass    Chrome       Negative  0.25 512
T-20-2-N-OP 102 x 102           White opal glass    Chrome       Negative  0.25 512
T-20-N-TM 102 x 102           Clear polyester         Photo-emulsion    Negative            0.25 181
T-20-P-TM 102 x 102           Clear polyester         Photo-emulsion    Positive              0.25 181
T-20-N-RM 102 x 102            Photo-paper           Photo-emulsion     Negative  0.25 22.6
T-20-P-RM 102 x 102            Photo-paper           Photo-emulsion     Positive  0.25 22.6
T-20-M-P-RM 305 x 305            Photo-paper           Photo-emulsion     Positive  0.0625 3.56
T-20-L-P-RM 1016 x 940          Photo-paper           Photo-emulsion     Positive  0.0156 3.56

ISO14524动态范围测试卡 I3A / ISO 14524 Camera Contrast Chart
ISO14524动态范围测试卡 I3A / ISO 14524 Camera Contrast Chart
1倍/2倍/4倍 增强型ISO12233分辨率测试卡 ISO12233 Camera Resolution Chart
1倍/2倍/4倍 增强型ISO12233分辨率测试卡 ISO12233 Camera Resolution Chart
面议 /张
1倍/2倍/4倍 普通型ISO12233分辨率测试卡 ISO12233 Camera Resolution Chart
1倍/2倍/4倍 普通型ISO12233分辨率测试卡 ISO12233 Camera Resolution Chart
面议 /张



研发商城 (上海研鼎信息技术有限公司)   地址:浦东新区金港路333号1623室   
联系人:路小姐   电话:021-60497127   手机:18616767788   传真:021-31750601
技术支持:一比多  |  免责声明 | 隐私声明
增值电信业务经营许可证:沪B2-20070060     网站Icp备案号:沪ICP备05000175号
<%---站点编号 ----%> <%---页面编号 ----%> <%---页面参数1 ----%> <%---页面参数2----%> <%---页面参数3 ----%>