我公司成立于1999年,位于有中国小商品城之称的浙江省义乌市,专业从事穆斯林产品的开发、生产及销售,拥有雄厚的技术,颇具生产规模、发展迅速,具有产品设计开发能力及成品生产线,设备齐全,检验手段完备,并拥有自己的专业保密技术。是一家由中国穆斯林开办的伊斯兰民族用品公司,在业内拥有较高的知名度。 产品有:阿拉伯头巾、巴厘纱头巾、土耳其纱巾、雪纺绣花头巾、提花头巾、色织头巾、羊毛头巾、手工编织围巾、孟加拉精致帽、阿曼帽、阿拉伯纯羊毛毡帽、土耳其毡帽、沙特软帽、泰国穆斯林帽、哈志帽、钩针帽、针织套帽、穆斯林礼拜帽、阿拉伯长袍、阿拉伯睡裤、阿拉伯文工艺品、念珠、唤礼钟、穆斯林专用计数器、指南针、朝觐者戒衣、礼拜毯、盖头、女子面纱等有中东特色的外贸产品。我公司产品远销中东、中亚、南亚、东南亚、欧洲、非洲等地。产品自从进入市场以来,便深受国内外消费者的喜爱。 公司下设有三个生产企业: 一、秋石服饰厂 二、中亚头巾织造厂 三、亚西玛工艺织造厂 公司自成立伊始,就树立了“以质量求生存,以信誉求发展”的宗旨。经过几年的艰辛探索和不懈努力,我公司在激烈的市场竞争中不断稳步前进,发展壮大,建立了良好的市场基础。在未来的道路上,我们将继续创新、不断开拓。本着质量,诚信,服务的经商原则,以高质量的产品,公平合理的价格,良好的售后服务竭诚为广大客户服务,与新老、中外客户共创美好明天! 我公司常年承接外贸订单,欢迎海内外商家前来咨询采购。 HuaQing Islam & National Series of Articles Company Founded in 1999, HuaQing Islam & National Series of Articles Company is located in YiWu, Zhejiang Province, which is famous as “China’s International Commodities City”. HuaQing Company is engaged in development, production and sale of Muslim goods, with strong and advanced technique and large scale of production. With high speed of development, today it is able to design and produce new goods, fully equipped with necessary facilities and means of checking quality of the goods. What’s more, it has own technique and patent. The products are: Arabian turban, Voile yarn turban, Turkey yarn turban, chiffon embroidered turban, jacquard weaved turban, yarn-dyed turban, wool turban, handicraft weaved scarf, Bangladesh exquisite hat, Oman hat, Arabian pure woolen felt hat, Turkey Pure wool felt hat, Saudi soft hat, Thailand Muslim hat, Haj hat, crochet hook hat, knitted hat, Muslim prayer hat, Arabian long gown, Arabian sleeping trousers, Arabic language handicraft article, beads, Azan alarm clock, Muslim counter, compass, Haj uniform, prayer blanket, scarf, the woman veil...etc.HuaQing Company is established by Muslim of China and enjoys good popularity as a company dealing with muslin national series of articles in its line.