豪家莊是从事开关电源/电源适配器的开发、设计、制造及销售一体化的外商獨資企業,工厂面积达8000平方米,從業人數1000多人。<br> 本公司位于深圳市光明新区公明镇将石村新围第三工业区第8排1栋,1997年在臺北成立祥森盛電子有限公司,同時在中國深圳設立工廠,專業生產電感.高低頻變壓器.<br>In 1997, set up Chou Shen Electronics CO., Ltd. in Taipei,Taiwan meanwhile established factory in Shen Zhen, specilized in manufacturing High & Low Frequency Transformer & Inductor<br>1998年擴大生產規模,新增設備,成立塑膠部,從事塑膠射出及模具開發.<br>In 1998, enlarged manufacturing scale, added new equipment to set up plastic injection department engaged in developing plastic mould and plastic injection business<br>1999年取ISO-9002國際品質認証,并取的UL安規認証.<br>In 1999, acquired ISO-9002 international quality certificatioan and UL Security Standard<br>2000年應市場需求,利用各种技術,開始設計開發功率因素調整(PFC)電感.<br>In 2000, began to develop PFC Choke using various technologies<br>2001年為了再次擴大生產規模,提高技朮,搬遷至新圍第二工業區,移轉主要生產PFC電感.<br>In 2001, to enlarge the production scale and improve technique, move to Xinwei Second Industrial Zone, began to facus on manufacturing PFC Choke<br>2001年取得ISO-9001:2000版國際品質認証.<br>In 2001, acquired ISO-9001-2000 international quality certification<br>2002年以光觸媒及電子式離子發生器技術,發展空氣淨化器.<br>In 2002, we develop Photo-catalyst & electronic Ionizer Air Purifier.<br>2003年為發展國內市場成立豪家莊股份有限公司,擴展內銷業務.全力投入开关电源/电源适配器的研发、设计、生产,並取得綠色環保認證。In 2003 the establishment of the domestic market for the development of ESTLAND STOCK CO.,LIMITED <br>to expand the domestic business. Full input switching power supply / power adapter for R & D, design, production, and achieve green certification