多功能暂存机 CBL-820B/C/S
CBL-820B: A.l.SMD生产线专用自动暂存设备。PCB自动暂存、供料、平衡前、后段生产量。备有储存Magazine Rack。生产线缓衡不可或缺的重要角色之一。具种运转模式:BUFFERLOADER 及UNLOADER。
CBL-820B BUFFER LOADER Automatic storage equiment speciallydesigned for A.1.&SMD assembly. Automatic PCB storage and feedingenabIe to balance the first half and sec-ond half of production. With storage magazine rack.A must equipment for slow-down pro-duction in assembly line. 2 operative modes BUFFER LOADER &UNLOADER
CBL-820C: 良品与不良品自动区隔设备。与AOI和ICT连线,依据良品、不良品讯号自动分类。不良品自动储存,良品输送到收板机收纳。备有储存Magazine Rack。储存满载时自动信号警示。
CBL-820C NG(ok)BUFFER LOADER Good and defective PCBs canbe sepa-rated automatically. Connecting AOI or ICT allows distin+guish good PCBs from NG PCBs by signal. Defected PCBs can be stored automati-cally while good PCBs are pushed to loader. With storage magazine rack.A signal to warm when PCBs are fully stored.
CBL-820S: SMD生产线专用自动暂存设备,可平衡前、后段生产量。PCB暂时储存,自动冷却装置(风量5.5m3/min)。依据后段设备需求通知,自动送出已冷却的PCB。智慧型先进先出设计,确保PCB在的品质状态.具4种运转模式:FIFO BUFFER、LOADER、NG/OK STOCTKER、LOADER及UNLOADER。
CBL-820S MULTI-FUNCTION BUFFER LOADER Special automatic eauipment designed for SMD assembly.PCBs can be stored temporarily and cooleddown automatically(5.5m3/min). The cooled-down PCBs can be sent out subject to command of the latter-half machine. Fuzzy design ensures to produce best quality PCBs.4operative modes:FIFO BUFFER LOADER、NG/OK STOCKER、LOADER&UNLOADER