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Cookridge Golf Club: The mystery of the vanishing

DRIVEN IN THE WATER! Kath Astley with her runaway electric golf cart with ended up in the lake at Cookridge Golf Club where it was rescued by greenkeeper Joe Watts.
DRIVEN IN THE WATER! Kath Astley with her runaway electric golf cart with ended up in the lake at Cookridge Golf Club where it was rescued by greenkeeper Joe Watts.
DRIVEN IN THE WATER! Kath Astley with her runaway electric golf cart with ended up in the lake at Cookridge Golf Club where it was rescued by greenkeeper Joe Watts.
Kaths trolley is rescued by greenkeeper Joe Watts.
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When golfer Kath Astley played a tricky shot and turned to collect her clubs, she found they had vanished.
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The 62-year-old former Ladys Captain of Cookridge Hall Golf Club had just negotiated a pitch over the water.

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Kath, who was playing against fellow club member Cathy Lowe, said: "I turned round and my trolley and clubs had disappeared. I thought they must have been stolen. I stood there and said: Where are my clubs? I hadnt heard a thing, but there was no sign of them."

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She alerted club management that her trolley had been stolen and they put together a search party to find the thieves.

Manager Gary Day said: "We were informed and assuming theft, duly scoured the golf course, the car park and local area to try apprehend a thief.

"With no success, and the story becoming more unbelievable by the minute, we checked the CCTV cameras and actually saw the golf trolley moving on its own heading towards the car park and then turning off for the lake."

Kath said: "I didnt realise at the time but the electric trolley was still switched on and was making its own way across the green and towards the car park.

"A slightly off centre front wheel caused the trolley to turn sharply to the left and straight towards the lake where it duly ended up, travelling about 30 yards."

The trolley was rescued from the lake by greenkeeper Joe Watts, who stripped off and dived in to save the expensive gear from further damage.

Now feeling decidedly under par, Kath has been the subject of much ridicule, especially from husband Steven, and has acquired a new nick name "trolley dolley". She added: "I may have lost my trolley, but whose the best player? I have a lower handicap than the husband."

The full article contains 348 words and appears in n/a newspaper.



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