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您现在的位置:永嘉县德美特阀门有限公司(真空挡板阀 > 企业新闻

阀门 valve                                                                   通用阀门 general valve
球阀 ball valve                                                             槽车球阀 tank lorry ball valves
cq螺纹球阀 cq thread ball valves                                 法兰球阀 flange ball valves
衬里球阀 lining ball valves api                                      球阀 api ball valves
浮动球阀 float ball valves                                            固定球阀 trunnion-mounted ball valves
三通法兰球阀 three ball valves                                  v型调节球阀 v-regulating ball valves
闸阀 gate valve                                                            楔式闸阀 wedge gate valves
法兰闸阀 flange gate valves                                        排渣闸阀 scum gate valves
薄型闸阀 thin gate valves                                           水封闸阀 water seal gate valves
电动楔式闸阀 electric actuated wedge gate valves     平板闸阀 flat gate valve
单闸板平板闸阀 single disc flat gate valves             电动平行式双闸板闸阀 electric double disk parallel gate valves
双闸板平板闸阀 double disc flat gate valves       明杆平行式双闸板闸阀 double disk parallel gate valves
截止阀 globe valve                                                 角式截止阀 angle globe valves
门角式截止阀 angle type globe valves                   电动截止阀 electric actuated stop valves
法兰截止阀 flange globe valves                             衬里截止阀 lining globe valves
直流式截止阀 oblique stop valves                        柱塞截止阀 plunger globe valves
止回阀 check valve                                                旋启式止回阀 swing check valves
对夹式止回阀 wafer check valves                         蝶式缓冲止回阀 butterfly type non-slam check
蝶式缓冲止回阀 butterfly type non-slam check     升降式止回阀 lift check valves
衬里止回阀 lining check valves                             微阻缓闭止回阀  tiny drag slow shut check valves
立式止回阀 vertical lift check valves    
蝶阀 butterfly valve                                               对夹蝶板阀 wafer plate valve
衬里蝶阀 lining butterfly valves                             蜗轮传动蝶阀 butterfly valves with gear actuator
对夹式衬胶蝶阀 wafer type butterfly valves with rubber itning 金属密封蝶阀 hard seal butterfly valves
隔膜阀 diaphragm valve                                       旋塞阀 plug valve
安全阀 safety valve                                              管道安全阀 piping safety valves
回转阀 rotary valve                                              减压阀 pressure reducing valve
减速阀 deceleration valves                                   泄压阀 decompression valves
蒸汽疏水阀 automatic steam trap valve                组合阀 combination valves
针形阀 pintle valve 仪表阀 gauge valves
仪表针形截止阀 meter needle type globe valves  空气阀门 air valves
排灰阀 ash valves                                                吸(抽)气阀 aspirating valves
辅助(副)阀 auxiliary valves                           平衡阀 balance valves
波纹管阀 bellows valves                                   泄料(放空,排污)阀 blowdown valves
制动阀 brake valves                                         对焊连接阀 buttwelding valves
地下管道阀 culvert valves                               双口排气球 double opening exhaust valves
排水阀 drainage valves                                   紧急切断阀 emergeny cut-off valves
排气阀 exhaust valves                                     浮球式疏水阀 free float type steam trap
手动阀 hand-operated valves                         液压继动阀 hydraulic relay valves
限位阀 limit valves                                         衬里三通旋塞阀 lining t-cock valves
液位计 liquid indicator                                   浆液阀 parallel slide valves
柱塞阀 plunger valves                                   压力(増压)阀 pressure valve
快速排污阀 quick draining valves                电磁阀 solenoid valves
过滤器 strainer                                             节流阀 throttle valves

口径 bore
公称通径 nominal diameter
公称压力 nominal pressure
工作温度 operating temperature
工作压差 operating pressure
工作背压 operating back pressure
关闭压力 lockup pressure
开启高度 lift
壳体试验 shell test
壳体试验压力 seal test pressure
连接尺寸 conncetion cimension
连接形式 type of connection
流道面积 flow area
流道直径 flow diameter
流量孔板 flow orifice plate
流量特性 flow characteristics
流量特性偏差 flow characteristics derivation
漏汽量 steam loss
密封面 sealing face
密封试验 seal test
密封试验压力 seal test pressure
上密封 back seat
上密封试验 back seal test
适用介质 suitable medium
适用温度 suitable temperature
过冷度 maximum subcoold temperature
流量 maximum flow rate
压差 maximum differential pressure
工作压力 minimum operating pressure
背压率 maximum rate of back pressure
允许压力 maximum allowable pressure
最小过冷度 minimum subcooled temperature
最小压差 minimum differntial pressure
常闭式 normally closed type
常开式 normally open type

阀体 body
阀盖 bonnet
阀盖垫片 bonnet gasket
阀盖衬套 bonnet bush
阀瓣 disc
阀箱 valve box
阀座 seat ring
阀杆 stem
阀杆螺母 yoke bushing yoke nut
法兰 flange
填料 packing
填料垫 packing seat
密封件 sealing
挡板 damper
导向套 valve guide disc guide
弹簧座 spring plate
轴套 axis guide
球、球芯 ball
密封圈 ball seat
螺母 mut
螺栓 screw
弹簧 spring
闸板 wedge disc





永嘉县德美特阀门有限公司(真空挡板阀   地址:浙江省温州市永嘉县瓯北浦一工业区二中路3号   邮政编码:325102
联系人:邵海舟   电话:0577-57980788   手机:15867726693   传真:0577-67986622
技术支持:一比多  |  免责声明 | 隐私声明
增值电信业务经营许可证:沪B2-20070060     网站Icp备案号:沪ICP备05000175号
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