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3M 6085腊水

有 效 期: 长期有效
所 在 地: 上海市

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3M 6085腊水
6085快速切削 光亮二合一腊水 代替3M 6061重度切削腊
Fast cutting rubbing compound designed remove sand scratches and leaves a fine finish on automotive paints.

3Ms most effective compound
Effectively removes grade P1200 and finer sand scratches
Easy clean-up
3M Perfect-It Rubbing Compound is designed to remove P1200 and finer scratches with either a 3M wool pad or foam compounding pad. This non-gritty formula works on all types of automotive paints, leaving a fine finish. To reduce compounding time, use P3000 Trizact abrasive discs to refine the sandscratches prior to compounding.Directions for Use: Compound using an air or electric buffer (1400-2000 rpm) equipped with a 3M wool compounding pad (PN 05703) or a 3M white foam compounding pad (PN 05737).Shake container well before using.
Apply enough compound to work a two foot by two foot area. For best results, use enough compound to leave a thin wet film on the surface for one to two passes with the buffer before it begins to dry.
Start the machine and buff using light to medium pressure.
Reduce pressure as compound begins to dry. Spur pad as necessary.
Note: If compound slings onto an adjacent panel, remove compound spatter with a soft damp cloth as soon as possible or before compounding the next panel.
华莱进出口(深圳)有限公司(3M ABRASIVE)华莱进出口(深圳)有限公司成立于1997年,主要经营3M 工业研磨产品,汽车售后产品,劳动保护及职业健康产品,是德国勇士水砂纸中国总代理, 德国羚羊水砂纸海绵砂纸中国总代理,德国鹅仔牌钢纸磨片中国总代理. 3M砂纸 ,3M抛光轮,3M工业百洁布 ,3M飞翼轮,3M 砂带 ,3M 口罩,3M腊水,3M 羊毛球,3M 海绵球,3M 抛光机,3M打磨机,3M 汽车保险杠修复,3M 玻璃刮痕修复,3M 塑胶漆面凸点打磨抛光.  华莱进出口(深圳)有限公司不仅仅提供品种繁多的产品响应客户需要,而且提供客户最需要的技术辅导和流程改善案.华莱进出口深圳,创意全为你!
联系人:郑伟实  QQ:825101228王旺金 QQ:391040116 朱海兰: QQ:985888077 谢闽亮: QQ:93661639 E-mail: SZCL888@YAHOO.COM.CN  电话:/7  传真:地址:广东省深圳市龙岗区平湖镇华南城五化塑中心M05栋120号

3M 8815热转印胶带
3M 8815热转印胶带
3M 8210S N95口罩
3M 8210S N95口罩
3M 8247 R95有机蒸气异味及颗粒物防护口罩
3M 8247 R95有机蒸气异味及颗粒物防护口罩
3M 1860S N95医用防护口罩
3M 1860S N95医用防护口罩
3M 3合1地面清洁剂
3M 3合1地面清洁剂



3M工业研磨产品 汽车售后产品 劳动保护及职业健康产品   地址:3M砂纸 ,3M抛光轮,3M工业百洁布 ,3M飞翼轮,3M 砂带 ,3M 口罩,3M腊水,3M 羊毛球,3M 海绵球,3M 抛光机,3M打磨机   
联系人:方先生   电话:021-51863213   手机:13671535815   
技术支持:一比多  |  免责声明 | 隐私声明
增值电信业务经营许可证:沪B2-20070060     网站Icp备案号:沪ICP备05000175号
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